thank you.
1. St.Benedict's College- From Grade 1-4 & 6- G.C.EA/L
2. Methodist Central College- From Grade 4-6
The Proud History O
De La Salle brother officially took over the administration of St. Benedict’s Institute on 1st of May 1868. Bro. Modeste Marie (1868 – 1875) is referred to as the first official director of St. Benedict’s Institute. At the inception, there were about 309 boys in classes, average age ranging from 10 to 14 years. The first prize giving was held on 21st December 1868, presided over by Lt. Hodgson. He praised the institution for imparting an education to “Buddhist, Christians and others without any distinction of class or creed”. During the directorship of Bro. Modeste Marie, a school library was opened. On the spiritual side, the sodality of children of many was inaugurated. Bro. Modeste Marie was succeeded by Bro. Aloysius Gonzaga (1875 – 1877) and Bro. Octavian (1877 – 1880). They carried on the work without any notable improvement. The next director, Bro. Gabriel Archange (1880 – 1887) built the first classrooms to the north of the Cathedral. During his directorship the first batch of Benedictines sat the Cambridge Junior examination. At St. Benedict’s, the Canadian born Bro. Joshua Barre was an active and versatile supporter of Bro. Director Gabriel. Bro. Joshua animated the sodality, organised the Cathedral Choir, formed the library club and introduced new commercial study programmes.
At Kotahena, in the early 1880’s, St. Benedict’s was very much congested. The monastery building housed the community of school brothers, the novitiate house, day school and the boarding department. The French Bro. Aniel Manier was in charge of novices at Kotahena. He complained to the superiors at Paris. He requested an alternative residence for the novitiate. He was the prime mover for the purchase of Mutwal property. The newly appointed Bro. Visitor, Bro. Idinaelis Rogues (1881 - 1888) was in agreement with him. The green light flickered all around for the brothers: Superior General’s approval; funds available; low property value in the north of Colombo. The property, a little over 6 acres in extent, was bought for Rs. 15,500/=. After the repairs and cleansing of the much neglected propert and bungalow during the month of August, the Brothers came in for occupation on 5th September 1884. “From that time, therefore the house where music and gaiety prevailed was turned into an adobe for religious. The dancing hall has been utilized as a Chapel, the other buildings as study rooms and dormitories”.
Bro. Maurice Josephus (1887 – 1889) was the first American director at St. Benedict’s. Soon after another Canadian, Bro. Osmund Gregory (1889 – 1894) came into the scene. He was a strict disciplinarian and a true gentleman. At that time, St. Benedict’s College, with 400 pupils, was reckoned as the largest school in the island. Bro. Osmund also introduced Basketball at St. Benedict’s College. When the commercial certificate exam was introduced in the country, Bro. Osmund came up with a fitting Commerce study course.
Bro. Osmund was followed by another French Canadian, Bro. Monnas Isidore (1894 – 1897). He was a popular musician. He built more classrooms in the old grave yard to the north of the Cathedral. He improved Cricket at St. Benedict’s College. Bro. Isidore left our shores in 1987. He died in the following year in France aged 36 yrs.
With Bro. Osmund’s departure, in came Bro. Christian Elvaran (1897 – 1908), another Irish American who hailed the ‘Christian Era’, at St.Benedict’s. Some highlights of the Christian Era were: the solemnities in connection with the canonization of De La Salle in 1900;erection of the two storey building with towers in 1905; formation of St.Benedict’s Old Boys’ Union in 1904; the publishing of the first S.B.C Annual in 1905; literary activities, Shakespearean dramas and debating societies; the prize giving on 25 January 1905 presided over by the delegate apostolic Mgr.L.M. Zaleski with 5 otehr bishops; the visit of the governor of Ceylon Sir Henry and Lady Blake on 23rd March 1905 to the college. At St.Benedict’s students were prepared for Junior and Senior Cambridge local exams and also for government clerical and commerce examination overseas. Number on roll at St.Benedict’s reached thousandth mark only during the directorship of Bro. Christian, for which the institution rejoiced with a day’s holiday.
The Irish Bro. Dotto Sylvester (1908 – 1909) revised the school syllabus giving Experimental Science a place in the curriculum. He grouped the classes into the lower school and the upper school. Next came another dynamic director, Bro. Camille Eugene (1909 – 1915). Bro. Camille built some more classrooms and extended the boarding department. He equipped the laboratories so as to enhance science education. In 1911, Benedictine G. Weeramantry, topped the list at the Cambridge University Examination. In 1912 U.D.R. Casperz , Sir Thomas Sampayo (first Ceylonese Chief Justice), Advocate C.M. Fernando (first Ceylon Crown Councel). There were also Pillai brothers: Peter, Emilianus and Gregory. Later Fr. Peter Pillai became the rector of St. Joseph’s College and founder of Aquinas University. Fr. Emilianus Pillai became Bishop of Jaffna. Bro. Luke Gregory, the first Ceylon Brother visitor of the Colombo district. Another past Benedictine, Bede Beckmeyer O.S.B was consecrated Bishop of Kandy in June 1912. Bro. Camillus also served on the Board of Examiners as a French language expert at the medical college, Colombo. He left St. Benedict’s in 1915, only to return in 1924 as the 2nd Provincial visitor of the new District of Colombo. He is credited as the real builder of the District of Colombo.
Bro. Arsene – Cyprian (1915 – 1917), a musician and cricket enthusiast was popular among his peers. The college performed well at cricket and cadetting. Next came the Irishman Bro. Bolcan of Jesus (1917 – 1921). He was no stranger to the college having worked at St. Benedict’s for 14 years. His aim was to transform S.B.C into an ideal education institution. He built the two storey block for commerce department. In 1919, competing with students the world over, S.B.C. won the coveted Lord Foley Challenge Shield for commerce education (Sloan – Duployan System of Shorthand). In sports, Volley Ball and boxing were introduced to St. Benedict’s.
140 Years' Contribution of De La Salle Brothers - Magazine 2008.
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Methodist Central college is one of the greatest college in Batticaloa.
The first educational institution established in Batticaloa was Bt. Methodist Central College, Batticaloa, founded in 1814. Other noteworthy institutions are: Cecilias Convent, Hindu College, St. Vincent Girls High School, St. Michael's College, and Shivananda Maha Vidyalayam. The Eastern University of Sri Lanka(EUSL), located in Vantharumoolai 16 km north of Batticaloa, was founded in 1980. Its development has been interrupted by the civil war. It is the cultural and economic focal point of the district of Batticaloa and extends its influence towards Trincomalee as well.
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